Information for Potential Speakers
The Transportation Research Forum (TRF) presents the best of current research and practice in transportation, emphasizing innovation and quantified experience. The TRF Annual Conference is the foremost international gathering of academic researchers, practitioners, graduate students, top research think tanks and industry technology developers.
The TRF conference provides academics, practitioners, and students the forum to present the best of current research, innovations and trends in the transportation field. Suggested topic areas include air, rail, maritime, road transportation, agricultural and other supply chain issues, issues related to transportation policies, empirical transportation research, safety, blockchain and technology implications for transportation and disaster relief such as transportation during the Covid-19 pandemic.
We are open for three types of proposals:
- Virtual Podium. Papers will be presented in a 30-minute session with a 15-minute prerecorded or live presentation, followed by a 5-minute discussant response and 10 minutes for questions.
- Virtual Posters. A 5-minute prerecorded talk with slides followed by 10 minutes for questions.
- Themed Sessions. We welcome proposals for on-hour length sessions.
Submission Deadlines:
Type of Submission
Virtual Podium
Virtual Poster
Themed Session
Abstract submission due:
19 January 2021
Abstract Submission due:
19 January 2021
Proposal submission due:
19 January 2021
Acceptance Notification:
29 January 2021
(Submissions may be chosen for a poster session.)
Acceptance Notification:
29 January 2021
(Submissions may be chosen for a podium or poster session.)
Acceptance Notification:
29 January 2021
Full Paper Due:
22 February 2021
For prize consideration and availability to registered attendees.
Slide Deck Due:
22 February 2021
For prize consideration (if submitted along with full paper). Authors missing this deadline will be dropped from the program.
Finalized details of session due:
22 February 2021
Speaker Registration Deadline:
22 February 2021
Speaker Registration Deadline:
22 February 2021
Speaker Registration Deadline:
22 February 2021
5-minute video due:
22 March 2021
General Expectations of All Submissions
- Original: explores a new idea, project or issue; discusses existing research with promise of new insight, discusses new research; or presents new ways of considering existing information
- Engaging: has high potential to attract conference attendees by addressing the needs of the transportation researchers and practitioners
- Significant: raises and discusses issues important the transportation sector
- Quality: provides data and literature support for arguments and conclusions
Virtual Podium Papers:
- We are asking for an “extended abstract” of the equivalent of 2 to 4 pages describing the problem statement, methodology (and if appropriate data sources) and findings
- Content must be original and relevant to TRF.
- We welcome works in progress. However, only full papers submitted by teh deadline are eligible for prizes.
- Full papers must be in English of up to 20 pages in a format appropriate to the discipline.
- Authors are required to ensure accuracy of quotations, citations, diagrams, maps, and tables.
- Figures and tables need to be placed where they are to appear in the text and must be clear and easy to view.
- Virtual Podium papers will be presented in a 30-minute session with a 15-minute (prerecorded or live) presentation, a 5-minute discussant’s response and 10 minutes for questions. TRF will assign discussants. There will be two papers per one-hour session.
- Papers are eligible for prizes in several categories, including special recognition for student papers. To be eligible for a student prize, all the author(s) must be a full-time or recently graduated student(s).
Review Criteria:
- The acceptance decisions will take into account the originality, importance, and relevance of the topic to transportation and the clarity of the writing.
- Organizers retain the right to determine whether a paper will be presented in a Virtual Podium or Virtual Poster session.
Virtual Posters:
- We are asking for an “extended abstract” equivalent to 2 to 4 pages describing the problem statement, methodology (and if appropriate data sources) and findings
- Content must be original and relevant to TRF.
- Please ensure all articles are proofread and checked for accuracy prior to submission.
- Virtual Posters will be prerecorded voice-overs of a PowerPoint (or equivalent) deck of slides.
- A strict time limit of 5 minutes will be enforced. Authors will be asked to shorten longer videos.
- Videos must be submitted prior to the deadline or they will be excluded from the program.
- Virtual Posters will be presented in a 15-minute session comprised of a 5-minute prerecorded presentation followed by 10 minutes for questions.
- Posters accompanied by a full paper (see format requirements in previous section) are eligible for prizes in several categories, including special recognition for student papers. To be eligible for a student prize, all the author(s) must be a full-time or recently graduated student(s).
Review Criteria:
- The acceptance decisions will take into account the originality, importance, and relevance of the topic to transportation and the clarity of the wiring.
- The organizers may ask authors if they would consider presenting in a Virtual Podium session.
Themed Sessions:
The Transportation Research Forum welcomes themed session proposals from any individual or organization as part of the regular paper submission process. Session are 60 minutes in length. These sessions may include papers or panel discussions. The confeence organizers will work interactively with those proposing sessions. However, to preserve the integrity of the Transportation Research Forum and its Annual Forum, all final decisions on papers and panel members will reside with the Transportation Research Forum. All sessions speakers must register for the conference.
Post Conference Publication and Indexing
Accepted full-papers at TRF 2021 will be made available to conference participants on the TRF website, Sessions will be recorded for later viewing by registered conference attendees. Authors are invited to submit their papers for inclusion and publication in the Journal of the Transportation Research Forum included in “Research in Transportation Economics” (RETREC), published by Elsevier. Manuscripts to be considered for publication in the Journal of the Transportation Research Forum should be submitted at