Call for Presentation Proposals (Abstracts)

The Transportation Research Forum (TRF) presents the best of current research and practice in transportation, emphasizing innovation and quantified experience. For our 66th annual forum, join transportation researchers, practitioners, and students from all over the globe at George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia. The TRF conference provides academics, practitioners, and students the forum to present the best of current research, innovations, and trends in the transportation field.

The Submission Process. If you are interested in making a presentation, please submit a presentation proposal, or “abstract,” on our Abstract Submission Portal.  This submission portal can be found as a drop-down on the Abstract & Paper Submission tab.  Choose the option based on whether you prefer a lectern or poster presentation and whether you are a student or not a student.  The deadline for submissions and the criteria used to select proposals for presentations are also listed below.  

After Acceptance.   All those submitting abstracts will be notified by email about whether their abstract is accepted for presentation in accordance with the schedule below.  If accepted, we will ask that you submit a paper (for lectern sessions) or poster (for poster sessions) several weeks before the conference, also following the schedule below.  We are flexible with the definition of “papers”, but we do need something so that the assigned discussants for your session can do their work.  Papers and posters received by the deadline will also be entered for prize consideration and posted in a private version of the program that is only accessible to registered attendees.

Other Considerations.  If you are doubtful whether you will be able to complete even a short paper (generally at a minimum of 10 pages in double-spaced format, generally including an exhibit or two) that describes methods, data used, and findings by the posted deadline, we recommend you apply instead for a poster presentation.   This will allow you to summarize your work in a more flexible format and give you a later submission deadline. TRF generally shies away from accepting abstracts that lack an analytical or research focus.

If you would like to be considered for a presentation without providing either a paper or poster, please contact us prior to your submission.  Submitting a substantial and referenced paper increases your chances of being eligible for an award and receiving high-quality feedback.  If you have questions, email [email protected].

General Expectations of All Submissions

  • Original: explores a new idea, project or issue; discusses existing research with promise of new insight, discusses new research; or presents new ways of considering existing information
  • Engaging: has high potential to attract conference attendees by addressing the needs of the transportation researchers and practitioners  
  • Significant: raises and discusses issues important the transportation sector
  • Quality: provides data and literature support for arguments and conclusions

Abstracts typically range between 350 and 1,250 words.

Paper/Poster Submission Deadlines:

Type of Submission

Academic and Practitioner Papers

Academic and Practitioner Posters


Graduate Student Papers

Graduate Student Posters

Abstract Submission Open 1 October 2023

Abstract Submission Open 1 October 2023

Abstract Submission Open 1 October 2023

Abstract Submission Open 1 October 2023

Acceptance Nomination Begins December 16 2023

Acceptance Nomination Begins December 16 2023

Acceptance Nomination Begins December 16 2023

Acceptance Nomination Begins December 16 2023

Final Paper Abstract Submission Deadline 20 January 2024

Final Poster Abstract Submission Deadline 2 March 2024

Final Paper Abstract Submission Deadline 20 January 2024

Final Poster Abstract Submission Deadline 2 March 2024

Acceptance Nomination Closes 31 January 2024

Acceptance Nomination Closes 16 March 2024

Acceptance Nomination Closes 31 January 2024

Acceptance Nomination Closes 16 March 2024

Full Paper Due 1 March 2024 

Full PPT/pdf of Poster Due: 23 March 2024

Full Paper Due 1 March 2024

Full PPT/pdf of Poster Due: 23 March 2024

Author Registration Deadline 15 March 2024

Author Registration Deadline 15 March 2024

Author Registration Deadline 15 March 2024

Author Registration Deadline 15 March 2024


  • Abstracts submitted should be 350 – 1200 words. Many submissions are three or four paragraphs long. 3-5 keywords should be provided along with the abstract. 
  • Content must be original and relevant to TRF.
  • Please ensure all articles are proofread and checked for accuracy prior to submission.


  • Full papers must be in English of up to 20 pages in APA format recommended. We are flexible with the definition of “papers,” but we need something so that discussants can do their work.  We intend to post papers in a private version of the program that is only accessible to registered attendees.  Papers received by this date will also be entered for prize consideration.
  • Authors are required to ensure accuracy of quotations, citations, diagrams, maps, and tables. 
  • Figures and tables need to be placed where they are to appear in the text and must be clear and easy to view. 
  • All papers will require a podium presentation. Podium presentations will require authors to have their presentation in the PowerPoint or pdf format (preferably in a USB drive). Presentations will last 30 minutes, including time for Q&A. 

Review Criteria: 

  • The acceptance decisions will take into account the originality, importance, and relevance of the topic to transportation and the clarity of the writing.


  • A 150 word abstract of the poster topic should be submitted; 3-5 keywords should be provided along with the abstract. 
  • Content must be original and relevant to TRF.
  • Please ensure all articles are proofread and checked for accuracy prior to submission.


  • A 3’ x 5’ standard poster board is recommended. Easel will be provided for displaying the poster.  Because of space limitations, your poster display should not be more than 5 feet wide.
  • The PPT/pdf submission should represent the fit for the above dimensions.
  • If your poster describes a collaborative project, other contributors should be listed as co-authors on your poster.
  • Presenters should be at their poster for the duration of the session to explain and answer questions from attendees.
  • The poster should be as self-explanatory as possible. When someone visits a poster, you should offer to walk them through the poster and explain your research. But in some cases, the visitor will simply read the poster without your input. Be sure to number
    pages or use other indicators to guide the reader from one section to another.

Themed Sessions:

TRF welcomes proposals for themed sessions from any individual or organization as part of the regular paper submission process. Session proposals are limited to one per organization. Organizations that sponsor the Annual Forum at any level may submit a proposal for a themed session.  Organizations that host a session, which typically has three or four speakers, will be acknowledged at the session, can choose a general theme for the session (e.g., agricultural transportation or air transportation), and will have representation on the committee that chooses papers and any paper awards for the session.  However, to preserve the academic integrity of our organization and its Annual Forum, all final decisions on papers and awards will be made by a representative of TRF.

Post Conference Publication and Indexing

TRF does not publish conference proceedings.  Papers and posters submitted by accepted presenters will be made available and downloadable to conference participants on a private conference website. This facilitates the academic review and comment process.(?)

Authors are invited to submit their papers for inclusion and publication in the Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, which is published as part of Research in Transportation Economics (RETREC), an Elsevier journal.  Manuscripts that are being considered for publication in the Journal of the Transportation Research Forum should be submitted at

Usage of Large Language Models/Generative AI in Papers

Authors: If you are considering using a large language model [(LLM), e.g. ChatGPT] or Generative AI to help prepare your manuscript for submission to the Transportation Research Forum (TRF) , you must comply with the following statements.


  1. Clearly indicate the use of language models in the manuscript, including which model was used and for what purpose. Please use the methods or acknowledgements section, as appropriate.
  2. Verify the accuracy, validity, and appropriateness of the content and any citations generated by language models and correct any errors or inconsistencies.
  3. Provide a list of sources used to generate content and citations, including those generated by language models. Double-check citations to ensure they are accurate and properly referenced.
  4. Be conscious of the potential for plagiarism where the LLM may have reproduced substantial text from other sources. Check the original sources to be sure you are not plagiarizing someone else’s work.
  5. Acknowledge the limitations of language models in the manuscript, including the potential for bias, errors, and gaps in knowledge.


Please note that AI bots such as ChatGPT should not be listed as an author on your submission.

Important Conference Dates:

  • Registration Open: 12 October 2023
  • Author Registration Deadline: 19 March 2024
  • Conference Dates: 4-5 April 2024